ADHD Big Brother Community
My belief is that there is no greater help than the power of an action-based support network. I created the ADHD Big Brother Community as a way for us to leverage the power of an engaged community to collectively nudge each other forward. Here, we can problem solve in a shame-free, judgment-free environment. In this community, it's about the doing. And we are all succeeding. See for yourself!
Daily Accountability
If you have no problem letting yourself down, and find it difficult to hold yourself accountable, I can help. I offer a program where we meet by zoom once a month to check in, problem solve, and make a plan. In between sessions there is an expectation of daily accountability via text messaging. This is currently $199 a month. If you would like to get on a free zoom chat to discuss this further, clickety clack the button.
Work 1-1 With Me
Through weekly calls and daily accountability, you will build the structure and scaffolding to successfully manage your ADHD life.